6 Kids Movies Clearly Made by People Who Hate Children

Kids’ movies are the most heinous breed of film produced in Hollywood dungeons. Arguably made by adults, they’re meant to entertain those of us who still pick our noses and find some manner of appeal in the comedy stylings of Rob Schneider. And while a studio like Pixar can consistently put out movies that entertain kids and adults alike, a lot of misguided attempts to make films for the younger crowd currently pollute Netflix and video stores, if any of those still exist out there. Some, I would argue, were made by people who not only don’t have kids, but just don’t like them.

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Canada Goose Online Selling Point for Kids: Babies who can talk! Oh my God, it’s so novel, why didn’t anyone think of it sooner? I mean, anyone who wasn’t involved in Look Who’s Talking or Look Who’s Talking Too. Anytime something talks that isn’t supposed to talk, that’s great! Ask a talking dildo. Canada Goose Online

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If ancient toys and unnecessary fart jokes don’t appeal to kids, take solace in the knowledge that the ugliest cartoon designs in recent memory pepper this film and the ensuing nightmares following its viewing. Why does everyone have the swollen face of a guy who watches movies in the back room of an adult theater? No one knows.

Hatred on Display: Inexplicably, this movie performed well in Europe. Well, actually it can be explained. Europe got the original cut. American children, who movie studios traditionally believe are one step up the evolutionary ladder from canada goose outlet parka drunken orangutans, were believed to be unable to handle this movie in its original format, so it was redubbed by American actors and fart jokes that weren’t funny were added in. See, because in America, all anyone understands is farting and the nuanced humor of Larry the canada goose outlet uk Cable Guy. It’s why Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was renamed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, because studios are convinced you’re one retarded spasm away from flopping into a river and drowning because the mittens pinned to your coat caught on a log at all times.

Synopsis: High on gasoline and ether, some movie executive bought a pack of Garbage Pail Kids collector cards, probably shit his pants in an alley, and then had a lucid dream about the single worst idea anyone had for a movie since Howard the Duck, which was actually made the year before.

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Canada Goose Outlet Selling Point for Kids: In theory, the Garbage Pail Kids themselves were a selling point, but they’re fucking terrifying to look at. Not in an intentional way, they’re just wrong. Poorly made, awful, wrong little shitty creatures with no redeemable features. Canada Goose Outlet

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Get past all of the bizarre and uncomfortable plot points and you’re still left with the Garbage Pail Kids themselves. Imagine for a moment your blender. Imagine if the glass container of your blender could be removed, but the canada goose outlet jackets base, with the spinning blades, is intact. Now imagine those blades spinning away and someone maintaining eye contact with goose outlet canada you as they begin doing naked squats over those blades. canada goose outlet black friday Squat after naked squat, each time getting a little lower, never breaking eye contact with you. canada goose outlet new york city And the horror builds and builds until the inevitable moment when that person squats their junk right down on that blender.

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Selling Point for Kids: Super Mario Bros. was awesome. Back when the NES was still the power system to own, before Sony or Microsoft even dreamed of having game consoles out canada goose outlet there, Mario was the king. Now he’s in every game Nintendo makes and not a soul on Earth gave a rat’s ass about Super Mario Basket Weaving for Wii U, but back in the day the games were fun, so a movie featuring two plumbers saving princesses from turtles was as cool as, if not cooler than, a movie about martial artist turtles.

Hatred on Display: This movie is solely responsible for your awareness that movies based on video games suck donkey dick raw and rugged. They didn’t have to. They could have been good. But this movie was so clearly written by a guy who probably played about 10 minutes of the game after a Percocet and champagne cocktail that it ruined the entire genre. If Mario Bros. could do it, every canada goose factory outlet video game movie may as well do it. Who cares about the storylines in video games anyway, right? Aside from the people who are going to pay to see it, that is.

canada goose store Synopsis: Everyone knows this story dude makes a puppet, puppet comes to life, wants to be a real boy, gets eaten by a whale, has a nose that grows when he lies, becomes a boy, the end. In this version, the little wooden boy is played by https://www.canadagoosejacketonlines.ca 50 year old, balding, socially retarded Italian actor canada goose outlet Roberto Benigni. Gonna be honest, I couldn’t actually watch this whole movie, and I did watch all the canada goose black friday sale other ones to write this article. This one, though, had to turn that shit off. canada goose outlet nyc I assume it follows the plot of the story you know, more or less. canada goose store

cheap canada goose uk Selling Point for Kids: I really have no idea. I know why Pinocchio from Disney appeals to kids, but I honestly think Roberto Benigni was literally insane when he sharted this thing out. Kids generally do not take canada goose outlet uk sale a shine to middle aged men dressed like sex abuse nightmares. If canada goose jacket outlet this movie was a meal, it’d be a burger with a series of pubes firmly embedded in the pickle at regular intervals so you absolutely know it wasn’t a mistake. cheap canada goose uk

canada goose black friday sale Hatred on Display: This clip is not something I paid a group of sinister, society hating nihilists to make for the express purpose of damaging your psyche, this is a real scene from this movie. canada goose black friday sale

Roberto Benigni did everything you see in that scene on purpose. He canada goose outlet shop wrote and directed this movie. It’s not like he owed someone for placing bad bets down at the horse track. This was all his doing. Do you even want a child canada goose outlet in usa to see this? Do you want your progeny to have to grow and develop as humans with this embedded in their memories, threatening to creep out at any moment? Imagine coming home one day, years later, to find your kid dressed like Robert Benigni in this movie. Fuck that.