Family and Friends Can Help

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Few decisions are as personal as whether to tell a loved one that you are suffering from major depression. “Telling someone about depression isn’t something canada goose outlet store uk that you should enter into lightly, but if you choose a person whom you can trust, it can be a positive experience,” Davis says.

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Depression: How Family and Loved Ones May Respond

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A loved one is likely to suggest various “home remedies” to help you, such as going out for a drink, or using “tough love,” Amador says. “It’s important to ask your loved ones not to canada goose outlet pressure you.” Although it’s obvious that alcohol won’t help your depression and is, in fact, a depressant, “tough canada goose outlet sale love rarely works canada goose outlet parka with depression and can be canada goose outlet new york city damaging,” he says. Still, it’s good to give a friend or loved one a sense of hope about the illness. “Tell them you are taking steps to get better,” he says.

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There are several practical steps a spouse, sibling, friend, or parent can take to help a loved one who is experiencing major depression:

Make sure the person is taking his medication; offer to drive him to doctors’ or therapist appointments or to fill prescriptions. In Kristen’s case, her parents official canada goose outlet were a conduit for information, talking to various doctors and therapists when she couldn’t.

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Provide financial help. Therapy and medications are expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

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