The remaining assets yet to be sold won’t cover legal costs. So what’s this all about? To enrich UK Lawyers? SBI please answer.”On Thursday, Mallya had made another reference to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s interview from last month, in which he had claimed that the government had recovered assets worth Rs 14,000 crores related to the now defunct airline’s loan defaults.Mallya is wanted in India on charges of fraud and money laundering amounting to an alleged Rs 9,000 crores.The series of statements follow a ruling by Master David Cook, a judge in the Queen’s Bench Division of the Royal Courts of Justice in London, earlier this week which went against Mallya. Master Cook ruled that an interim debt order in favour of SBI and other banks seeking access to funds in Mallya’s ICICI UK bank account “should remain in force”.However, the application to make it final has been adjourned until after the hearing of Mallya’s pending bankruptcy petition, expected by the end of this year.The funds held in the account 258,559.79 pounds will meanwhile remain frozen as part of the worldwide freezing order in favour of the Indian banks last year.Mallya’s lawyers had argued for the dismissal of the interim order on a number of grounds, including a claim that it was a “deliberate ploy” to prevent Mallya “reasonable” court sanctioned living expenses.However, the judge rejected the assertion and noted that the Indian banks are within their rights to discover the true extent of Mallya’s assets in order to recover the estimated 1.142 billion pounds owed to them, arising from proceedings in the Bangalore Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) against Kingfisher Airlines and others..
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