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Galileo Galilee or “Gal Gal,” as he is more commonly known, was an Italian astronomer, physicist and mathematician. If you asked the average high schooler what Galileo’s lasting contribution to science was, they would most likely uk canada goose reply “the telescope” before going off to listen to their Rhianna records and play with their Digimon, (Is that what high schoolers do these days? We don’t even know anymore). Well, put down that Digital Monster, Canada Goose Coats On Sale high schooler, because we are about to blow your mind: Gal Gal did not invent the telescope. Also, Rhianna sucks.

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Canada Goose Outlet Even when Fleming did accidentally discover penicillin years later, he Canada Goose Outlet didn’t think it could actually be used to help anyone, so he stopped working on it and moved on. Meanwhile, a few other scientists, Howard Florey, Norman Heatley, Andrew Moyer and Ernst Chain started working on penicillin and eventually mastered penicillin as well as figured out a way to mass produce it. The man behind the telephone and a good guy all around. Bell uk canada goose outlet spent a whole lot of time working with deaf people. His wife was deaf, his mother was deaf and he was even Helen Keller’s favorite teacher. With this time consuming https://www.canadagooseparkasoutlet.ca near obsession with deaf people, it’s amazing that Bell found time to invent the telephone. Wait, not “amazing.” “Impossible.” That’s the one. Canada Goose Outlet

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buy canada goose jacket According to Einstein’s famous On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, which contains his theories on relativity, Poincar, despite publishing 30 books and over 500 papers, is not worth mentioning. It’s true, pick up Einstein’s paper if you don’t believe us, (you won’t): Poincar doesn’t receive a single reference, unless you consider plagiarism to be some kind of indirect reference. As a matter of fact, Einstein does not reference, footnote or cite a single goddamn source in his entire paper. buy canada goose jacket

Einstein, photographed with God

We don’t want to jump to any conclusions here. Maybe Einstein’s paper didn’t contain any sources because he genuinely didn’t read any other current physics texts or papers. Maybe he was seriously that smart. According to Peter Galison’s Einstein’s Clocks, Poincar’s Maps: Empires of Time, Einstein and a small group of his fellow nerdlings formed a group called The Olympia Academy and would regularly gather to discuss their own works as well as the works of current scientists. The book goes on to canada goose coats specifically mention how Poincar was one of the scientists that Einstein and his battalion of nerds would discuss.

Shoots that whole “maybe Einstein didn’t read any other papers” theory right to shit, doesn’t it? It’s interesting that Einstein sat studying and discussing the work of Poincar for years, canada goose factory sale published a book that featured a theory that was startlingly similar to Poincar’s, and then didn’t reference Poincar once in the entire book. Wait, that isn’t interesting? It’s plagiarism. It’s canadian goose jacket total bullshit plagiarism. Good luck sexing your way out of Canada Goose Online this one, Einstein.

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Canada Goose online Sure, Cracked’s staunchly anti Thomas Edison stance is already fairly well documented, but we’re afraid one article detailing what a prick this prick was just isn’t enough. Edison is still celebrated in schools across the country for inventing the light bulb, the motion picture, electricity and a shit ton of other important crap he had very little to do with. Canada Goose online

Edison’s only original invention, the “Face Vacuum.”

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