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This is what Ark could be, and should be.

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Rungario 1 point submitted 3 years ago

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canada goose outlet uk sale I get that this game story being good doesn really matter in the sense that the game itself is about the leveling, the running of strike missions, acquiring loot and better items, and PvP, but seriously there is a huge disparity between the quality of the story and the quality of everything else. It almost canada goose store as if none of that 500 million dollar budget went into the writing and that the developers just winged the story as they went. uk canada goose The story is the only thing holding Destiny back from being an almost perfect game, and it done that by almost ruining the game. canada goose outlet uk sale

It is COMPLETELY unacceptable to use the excuse that the story is fine since it like the story of an mmorpg. The story was only around canada goose black friday sale 8 hours long, and not stretched over 40+ hours like any normal mmorpg. In addition to that, the writing and structuring itself was just bad. Dialogue was clunky, characters popped out at random and did nothing to establish themselves other than to move the “story” along, grimoires CANNOT EVEN BE ACCESSED INGAME, the whole game is just exposition with no climax or anything.

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