FoxCorporation CEO Lachlan Murdochannounced on Wednesday that 700 senior members of the company wouldforego, or takereduced, salaries amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic so that other employees can continue to receive salaries and “FOX comes out of cover samsung galaxy note 2 disney this crisis as an even stronger company” when things get back to normal. “While we don’t know exactly cover samsung s5 bianca when we will return to normal and full operations across the company, we have decided to take several new actions to cover samsung a5 2016 trasparente ensure that we remain strong and are well positioned when this crisis recedes,” Murdochwrote in a memo to staffers. “To that end, the most senior members of our companywill be cover samsung s6 trussardi reducing their salaries so that, to the greatest extent possible,we are ableto protect our full time colleagues with salary and benefit continuation during the period we are most affected by the crisis.” COVID 19 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND amazon it cover samsung a7 WORKING TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL RELIEF TO CORONAVIRUS FIRST RESPONDERS”The company’s Named Executive Officers Rupert Murdoch, John Nallen, Viet Dinh, Steve Tomsic and I will forego our salaries through September 30, 2020. The rest of […] read more