Vitamin D and Cancer

piumini moncler saldi Medical experts around the world are talking about a new epidemic, a health concern that may be dramatically increasing our risk of cancer, hypertension and even diabetes it’s a lack of Vitamin D. piumini moncler saldi

Some experts predict that up to 25 per cent of Australians could be Vitamin D moncler outlet online shop deficient. The cause is something that’s been known moncler outlet online uomo for nearly a century, a lack of sunshine. There now seems to be a connection between breast, colon and prostate cancer and a lack of Vitamin D.

Even more amazing, one expert believes moncler outlet serravalle 25 per cent piumini moncler scontatissimi of breast cancer deaths could be avoided if the women had maintained adequate vitamin D levels throughout their life.

Catalyst’s Karina Kelly investigates research in Australia that appears to show that Vitamin D actually kills cancer cells while protecting healthy cells from sun damage.

moncler outlet Vitamin D can only be moncler saldi outlet made by the body when moncler donna sunlight falls on skin unprotected by sunscreen. And in this sunburnt country, it seems amazing that it’s caused by a lack of sunlight. moncler outlet

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Professor Philip Sambrook: This is crazy. How can this happen in sunny Australia. The lack of a common vitamin vitamin D

piumini moncler scontatissimi Prof Michael Holick: I believe that the public health problem for vitamin D deficiency is quite significant. I would estimate minimum 25% of adults in the United States, Europe and probably even in Australia are vitamin D deficient. piumini moncler scontatissimi

Narration: But how much of a problem is vitamin D deficiency? According to Professor Michael Holick it’s a killer.

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piumini moncler Narration: Most of the vitamin D used by our bodies is made by piumini moncler outlet our skin when it’s exposed to sunlight. We’ve known for the best part of a century that sunlight makes vitamin D and that means healthy bones. But science is now revealing that vitamin D is much more vital to our survival than we could possibly have imagined. piumini moncler

moncler saldi uomo Prof Michael Holick: We think now that being able to maintain adequate vitamin D levels may be important for decreasing your risk of getting prostate cancer and breast cancer and colon cancer. There’s some evidence that in young children if they’re fortified with vitamin D from one year of age on it can reduce by 80% the risk of getting type 1 diabetes. moncler saldi uomo

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moncler outlet serravalle Narration: Trouble is, slapping on the sunscreen doesn’t just help prevent skin cancer, it also stops your skin making vitamin D. moncler outlet serravalle

Prof Michael Holick: I don’t think we should moncler outlet blame moderate, intelligent exposure to sunlight throughout our lives as the culprit for markedly increasing our risk of developing skin cancer. And again furthermore you have to put this into perspective. I mean if you think about it, over 250,000 women in the United States will develop breast cancer this year. Something like 50,000 will die. If 25% of those breast cancers could have been averted, prevented in some way, just by having a little exposure to sunlight would have been really tremendous.

piumini moncler outlet Narration: Research at Sydney University is confirming the link between vitamin D and cancer. Rebecca Mason and her team have been looking at skin cells and what happens to them moncler uomo in the presence of vitamin D. piumini moncler outlet

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piumini moncler uomo Prof moncler bambino outlet Michael Holick: Red staining reveals the amount of genetic damage caused by ultra violet light. And genetic damage can lead to cancer. Unprotected by moncler outlet vitamin D, these cells show a lot of damage. moncler saldi uomo But the cells treated with Vitamin D fared much better. And while the vitamin protects healthy cells, Rebecca Mason’s experiments are showing that Vitamin D has the opposite effect on cancer cells. It kills them. piumini moncler uomo

moncler outlet online shop Prof Rebecca Mason: The costs to the country of cancer are huge. But they’re overshadowed by the seven billion dollar bill we pay for osteoporosis. When moncler saldi your levels of vitamin D hit rock bottom, you’re at serious risk of bone damage. moncler outlet online shop

moncler saldi Narration: And while a bit of sunlight is all you need to keep your vitamin D levels topped up, for serious deficiencies, sunlight isn’t enough. Terry Diamond treats patients with an piumini moncler uomo urgent need for Vitamin D. They require a really big dose to correct their deficiency. moncler saldi

moncler bambino saldi Prof Terry Diamond: We know from studies published studies that if you correct the vitamin D deficiency in high risk population groups, you can reduce the risk of hip fractures by 25 to 40%. moncler bambino saldi

Narration: So who’s most at risk of Vitamin D deficiency? People with dark skin and those who wear modest clothing. But perhaps the group at greatest risk, because they almost never get into the sun, are the residents of nursing homes. Almost all of them are deficient.

moncler outlet online uomo Prof Philip Sambrook: In our studies we’ve estimated about 90% of women and about 80% of men living in hostels, or nursing homes in Sydney are Vitamin D deficient moncler outlet online uomo.