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(NaturalNews) New evidence appears to substantiate previous studies that those undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) likely have a higher chance of developing some cancers.

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buy canada goose jacket cheap Hormone replacement therapy like COS boosts progesterone and estrogen levels and is also believed to increase the risk of developing breast cancer. But this is the first population based study to examine the effect of infertility and hormone stimulation on mammographic density that could be a useful marker regarding the effects of hormonal fertility treatment canada goose uk black friday on breast cancer risk, especially on females below the age breast cancers are usually diagnosed around 50 years and older. buy canada goose jacket cheap

The women in the study were canada goose all canada goose factory sale aged between 40 and 69. All had mammograms buy canada goose jacket cheap as part of the university’s study, between 2010 and 2013. In addition, all of the women responded to a questionnaire that included inquiries about their age, height, whether or not they smoked and drank Canada Goose Jackets alcohol (and if so, how much), any history of infertility, and family history of breast cancer. Of the 8,963 women who canada goose uk shop reported fertility canada goose coats on sale problems, 1,576 had undergone COS, while 1,429 had been given hormonal stimulation without COS, and 5,948 had received no fertility treatment at all.

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The Daily Mail Online noted that previous research conducted by University Canada Goose Coats On Sale College London, and presented to a major fertility conference in the fall, suggested canada goose uk outlet that IVF could also increase the risk of ovarian cancer by about one third.

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